Frequently Asked Questions

About the Research

  • What role has God and/or church played in coping with anti-Asian hate and COVID among Filipino nurses who possess a faith commitment and worked on the front lines of the pandemic? Nearly 1/3rd of the COVID deaths were Filipino nurses. Moreover, Anti-Asian spiked 145% in 2020, the height of the pandemic. I will explore the vital role of God and/or church among Filipino American nurses who possess a faith commitment, in coping with the demands and grief of the pandemic.

  • In the era of Asian hate and Covid, God has been recentered among Filipina Americans nurses; therefore, my research will explore why and how God matters in the age of COVID and Anti-Asian hate among Filipina Americans nurses who possess a clear faith commitment, whom nearly 1/3rd died during the pandemic and persevered despite a 145% Anti-Asian hate spike in 2020.

  • The Filipino Nurses Project is a collaboration among researchers at: Institute of Religion, Culture, Public Life (IRCPL) and Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University; Harvard Divinity School, Harvard University; Louisville Institute; Asian Pacific American Religions Research Initiative (APARRI), Berkeley University; Asian American Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Religion, Race and Democracy Lab, University of Virginia; Lewis University; Loyola University of Chicago; Norfolk State University.

  • Filipino nurses who worked during the COVID-19 pandemic are invited to participate in this project.

  • This qualitative study will be conducted through a semi-structured interview via face-to-face interview or Zoom.

  • Our project seeks to shed light on the hidden stories of Filipino nurses’ valuable experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. By listening to your story, we can learn and identify patterns that affect Filipino nurses and the wider Filipino community.

  • Interviews will be conducted as per the participant’s preference, either in person or via Zoom web conferencing.

  • This ongoing study is expected to be completed by August 2024. This may be subject to change, and any changes will be communicated here and on our Updates page.

  • If you are interested in participating in this study, please sign up using the google form. This can be accessed by clicking the Google Form button or scanning the QR code on the About page of our website.

    Volunteers who are eligible to participate will be requested to sign a consent form and participate in an in-depth, recorded interview (30-minutes to 1-hour) about their experiences during the COVID pandemic.

  • Study participants will not be updated directly throughout the project. However, our team will share progress and developments as they occur on the Updates page of this website.

    We also intend to share the results of this project more formally. The findings will be used to craft a podcast uplifting Filipino nurses’ stories. The research team also hopes to present these findings in an academic conference or seminar and publish in a scholarly journal.

Risks Involved & Compensation

  • Participating in this study may cause some minor emotional discomfort. It is possible that discussing your experiences throughout the COVID-19 pandemic may be upsetting or cause emotional discomfort.

  • At their own discretion, study participants can refrain from answering any question(s). Participants may also choose to end the interview at any time. If a participant becomes distressed at any point in the interview, the participants will be reminded of their right to withdraw from the project or interview, without negative consequences.

    Participants reserve the right to withdraw their data from the project at any time, even after their interview is complete.

    There is always a likelihood that reflecting or discussing the participant’s experiences during the COVID pandemic may be upsetting or cause undue distress. If this happens, the researcher will refer you to the Resources page available on the website.

  • No, participation in the study is entirely voluntary; therefore, no monetary compensation will be awarded.

Privacy & Confidentiality

  • All data collected for this project, including interviews and transcripts, will be kept secure through password protection and data encryption. This data will be kept and protected for a period of at least 5 years beyond the conclusion of the project.

    By default, any information the participant provides will be kept confidential and anonymous. The research team will not use your personal information for any purposes outside of this research project. The researcher will ensure that any of the participant’s information that can identify them will not be used in the study report. The participants will not be identified in any publication, report or presentation of this research, and any quotations from the interview will remain anonymous.

    NOTE: One of the project’s outputs is a podcast to share stories of Filipino nurses. If you would like to be identified as a participant and share your story as part of this podcast, you may opt-in to have your quotes and information made public. By default, any identifiable data collected is confidential and will not be shared publicly, unless consent from the participant is expressly given otherwise.

  • Participants reserve the right to withdraw their data from the project at any time, even after their interview is complete. Please contact us at to inform us of your decision to withdraw from the research study.

Additional Considerations

  • All participants have the right to withdraw from the project at any time, without negative consequences. This includes before, during, and after their interview for the study.

    Please contact us at to inform us of your decision to withdraw your data from the project.

  • If you are interested in participating in this study, please sign up using the google form. This can be accessed by clicking the Google Form button or scanning the QR code on the About page of our website.

    Volunteers who are eligible to participate will be requested to sign a consent form and participate in an in-depth, recorded interview (30-minutes to 1-hour) about their experiences during the COVID pandemic.

  • Please reach out to us at and a member of the research team will get in contact with you.